Birds of Chile

     November 15 – 28, 2025


Join ornithologist Mark Brazil for a comprehensive birding adventure through one of the most diverse and spectacular landscapes on earth. Explore multiple ecosystems; the high Andean plateau at the edge of the driest desert in the world, the fertile valleys and sclerophyll forests of the Central Pacific Coast, and the temperate rainforests of the southern Lake District on one amazing journey. The dramatic landscapes will serve as a supremely photogenic backdrop during daily excursions to search for each region’s iconic species. Past trips to this area have yielded a list of birds and mammals that can reach more 250 species.

Interested in more information? To learn more about this tour operated by Miru Adventures, please contact Africa Easy by calling 1-800-617-2319 or click here to e-mail the Africa Easy Team.

Birds of Chile

November 15 – 28, 2025

Day-by-day Itinerary:

Day 1 – 15, November, 2025 –Santiago, Chile

Arrive in Santiago and check in to the Hotel Director for on opportunity to freshen up before our afternoon visit to Bicentenario Park. In the park we may find black-headed ducks, coscoroba swans, Chilean tinamous, and many-colored rush tyrants. Return to the hotel for a welcome dinner and overnight.

Day 2 – 16, November, 2025 – Santiago, Chile

Depart early for a full day of birding in El Yeso and the Maipo Valley. The spectacular backdrop of the Andes will accompany us as we search for our target species of the day, the diademed sandpiper-plover. Other species we hope to find include the black-billed shrike tyrant, yellow-rumped siskin, mountain parakeet, moustached turca, and rufous-banded miner.

Day 3 – 17, November, 2025 – Santiago/ Valparaiso

Today we’ll explore the Farellones area where several species of raptors can be seen. We should have great views of Andean condors, black-chested buzzard eagles, and mountain caracaras. This area is also home to creamy-rumped miners, Chilean mockingbirds, white-sided hillstars, and greater yellow-finches. Continue overland to Valparaiso and check in to the Hotel Casa Somerscales in time for dinner.

Day 4 – 18, November, 2025 – Valparaiso

Rise early to view an abundance of pelagic species such as albatross, shearwaters, petrels, and storm petrels. In La Campana National Park, we’ll search among stands of endemic Chilean palm trees for a glimpse of the elusive white-throated tapaculo, as well as striped woodpeckers, giant hummingbirds, and dusky-tailed canastero.

Day 5 – 19, November, 2025 – Valparaiso/ Santiago

Enjoy another day of birding along the Pacific Coast of Central Chile. We’ll visit several different areas of wetlands and the coastal mountain range looking for such specialties as the ticking doradito, dusky tapaculo, red-legged cormorant, many-colored rush tyrant, black-headed duck, wren-like rushbird, and striped bittern. Return to Santiago and check in to the Holiday Inn Santiago Airport Hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 6 – 20, November, 2025 – Santiago/ Arica

After breakfast, board our flight to Arica. Spend the afternoon exploring the rocky coast along the Pacific looking for the endemic seaside cinclodes. Other species we hope to find include guanay and red-legged cormorants, Inca terns, willets, Peruvian boobies, Belcher and gray gulls, Peruvian thick-knees, Peruvian white-crested elaenia, vermilion flycatchers, and spot-billed ground-tyrants.

Day 7 – 21, November, 2025 – Arica/ Putre

Depart early this morning and travel overland to the mouth of the Lluta River. This area is well known for numerous species of shorebirds and gulls. After this, explore the river valley to look for the critically endangered Chilean woodstar, as well as oasis hummingbirds, Peruvian meadowlarks, slender-billed finches, blue-and-yellow tanagers, pied-crested and yellow-billed tit-tryants, and Andean swallows. We may also spy grazing Andean deer and vicuña. In the afternoon, continue to the village of Putre, situated near the Altiplano.

Day 8 – 22, November, 2025 – Putre

Today we will search for species endemic to the Andean Altiplano in legendary Lauca National Park. Surrounded by stunning landscapes we will explore this World Biosphere Reserve looking for specialties such as the Puna snipe, Puna tinamou, Puna ibis, Andean flicker, Andean negrito, and of course Chile’s three species of flamingos: James, Andean and Chilean. We may also encounter guanacos, red foxes, and North Andean deer. Embark on a nocturnal birding excursion to look for the band-winged nightjar and the Peruvian pygmy owl.

Day 9 – 23, November, 2025 – Putre/ Arica

Spend a full day exploring the scrub- and shrub-dotted grasslands around Putre. This dry, treeless landscape is home to hooded and thick-billed siskins, golden-billed saltator, white-throated Sierra finches, Andean hillstars, creamy-breasted canasteros, sparkling violetear, black-throated flowerpiercer, mountain parakeets, and aplomado falcons.

Day 10 – 24, November, 2025 – Arica/ Santiago

After breakfast, board our flight to Santiago to visit the nearby Batuco and Lampa Wetlands. Despite the proximity to the city, many wonderful birds may be found here, especially waterfowl and passerines that feed and nest near the reeds. Target species include the cocoi heron, rosy-billed pochard, black-headed duck, coscoroba swan, burrowing owl, Chilean tinamou, correndera pipit, and many-colored rush tyrant.

Day 11 – 25, November, 2025 – Santiago/ Puerto Montt/ Puerto Varas

Board our early-morning flight to Chile’s Lake District, an area of lush temperate rainforests and glittering glacial lakes surrounded by a parade of perfect snow-capped volcanoes. Species we hope to find along the forest trails include Magellanic and striped woodpeckers; chucao, Magellanic, and black-throated tapaculos; Chilean flickers; Des Murs wiretail, white-throated treerunners; thorn-tailed rayadito; slender-billed parakeets, and Chilean pigeons. Continue to Puerto Varas, a charming town with traditional German-style architecture set on the banks of Lake Llanquihue.

Day 12 – 26, November, 2025 – Puerto Varas/ Chiloe Island

This morning, board the ferry to Chiloe Island. Here we will visit the Caulín Bird Sanctuary and wetlands near Chacao, then continue birding along coast and wetlands of northern Chiloe, ending with a stop at Puñihuil to view a breeding colony of Humboldt and Magellanic penguins. Along the way we hope to spot the Hudsonian godwit, Franklin´s gull, Pincoya storm-petrel, ringed kingfisher, dark-bellied cinclodes, black-necked swan, Chiloé wigeon, and black skimmer, as well as marine otters and South American sea lions.

Day 13 – 27, November, 2025 – Chiloe island

Spend a full day exploring Chiloe Island. We begin at the Chepu River to look for the endemic slender-billed parakeet and visit a breeding colony of snowy-crowned terns. The afternoon is dedicated to exploring the wetlands and patches of forest to search for the snowy plover and the subspecies of the thorn-tailed rayadito that is native to the island. Other species we are likely to find include South American terns, red-backed hawks, cocoi herons, spectacled tyrants, wren-like rushbird, sedge wrens, white-faced ibis, and ochre-flanked tapaculos.

Day 14 – 28, November, 2025 – Chiloe Island/ Puerto Montt/ Santiago/ Homeward

After a final morning of birding, take the ferry back to the mainland for our afternoon flight to Santiago and connect with your independent homeward flight.


*Please note: This itinerary is subject to change. In the spirit of expedition travel, plans may change slightly to take full advantage of encounters with the destination and its people, culture, and wildlife. This trip is operated through Miru Adventures. 

Meet Your Leaders:

Dr. Mark Brazil
Author, Naturalist & Expedition Leader

Mark trained as a biologist then pursued careers in conservation, education, and television. He is the author of numerous articles, papers and more than ten books, most notably Japan: The Natural History of an Asian Archipelago (2022), Wild Hokkaidō (2021), A Field Guide to the Birds of Japan (2018) and The Nature of Japan (2018). Mark is the founder of Japan Nature Guides A keen naturalist, hiker and cross-country skier, Mark loves nothing more than being outdoors watching wildlife and learning about his adopted homeland.

Birds of Chile

     November 15 – 28, 2025


Trip Package Rate: Approx.

Per Person: $9,790
Single Supplement: $1,490

Group Size: 12 travelers

– Rates are per person and are based on shared accommodations
– Rates are approximate until the time of booking
– Rates are quoted in USD and subject to change without prior notice
– Rates are based on availability at the time of booking

International Airfare:

Africa Easy does not make international air reservations and international air is not included in your quote. However, please do let us know if you would like assistance with booking your international air. We would be happy to put you in touch with our airline partner, Exito Travel to assist you with your international air reservation.


– 13 nights accommodation
– All meals including non-alcoholic drinks
– All excursions, transportation, and local guides
– Park fees
– Taxes and permits
– Gratuities
– Arrival and departure assistance
– Internal airfare: Santiago / Arica / Santiago / Puerto Montt / Santiago

General Information:

– Medical Evacuation insurance is mandatory for travel with Africa Easy and proof of purchase is required. Africa Easy also strongly recommends purchasing a policy that includes trip cancellation /interruption coverage.

Deposit & Payments:

A completed & signed Africa Easy Reservation Form, along with your 25% trip deposit and full regional and/or domestic air payment (if applicable) is required at the time of booking.


This itinerary is subject to the availability of all services at the time of making a reservation. No space is being held at this time. Please contact Africa Easy for the full terms and conditions that apply. We are happy to answer questions and discuss your trip.

To reserve space on a trip on the Africa Easy website, please contact Africa Easy by calling 1-800-617-2319 or (206) 284-2319. Click here to e-mail the Africa Easy Team.

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November 15-29, 2025
Operated By Miru Adventures